Religious Differences Cause Conflict

During class discussion on the location of western countries there was one comment that kept resurfacing.  This comment was the civil conflicts within these countries and how some differences in religious views led to these conflicts.  These religious differences can be seen in the related article, Christians Feel the Heat of Religious Intolerance, which shows what can be a result of differences among people.

This article states facts about a family that was a victim of religious differences.  The family was left homeless after a group of Muslims burnt there house down simply because they lived within a Christian neighbourhood.  Simply because the Christians within Pakistan are the minority, other religions feel as if they can bully those with a different religion.  It goes on to mention how some of the allegations are often made up in order to entice mobs to attack minorities.  Those who are victims of religious differences are wary of reporting the incidents for fear of retaliation by religious extremist.  Thus religious differences will continue to cause forms of conflict around the world.

Climate Change and Fossil Fuels

From discussions in class and readings I recall talk about fossil fuels as well as talks about their effect on society.  We discussed the effects of refining fossil fuels and there effect on the climate.  The discussion led to not only the detrimental effects of these emissions, but why we continue to invest in fossil fuels every year even with the known effects on the climate and society.  This recollection led to an article pertaining to the discussion on climate change and fossil fuels. 

According to the article, Leave It in the Ground, Climate Activists Demand, at the current rate the global temperature is predicted to rise to three degrees C.  In order to combat this rise in temperature the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is convening to propose a new climate treaty that will present ways to reduce fossil fuels emissions.  The treaty is designed to allow for emissions to be reduced prior to 2020.  According to the Carbon Tracker an inevitable collapse of the economy will result from the continuing investments into fossil fuels.  This investment will result in global carbon emissions that will continue to rise higher every year.  The collapse from investments will result in countries having to resort to limitations on how much of these fossil fuels are burned. 

Life Under the Surface

Billions of years before our time the Earth was created.  From this creation carbon based lifeforms are now known to live deep within the Earth’s surface.  The life sustained at these immense pressures is similar to a super colony of bacteria and viruses that feed off of minerals.  Most of the microorganisms at this pressure are single-celled.  These microorganisms could be the key to finally answering the question about the orgin of life.  Being that all life is made of carbon and relies on its existence to survive.  These microorganisms are essential to telling us  details as to the origin of life.  Over millions of years the planet traps carbon  from the atmosphere by burying it deep within the Earth’s surface.  This layering of carbon over time in a sense leaves us a potential time line of life on Earth up until our time.  I believe that in order for us to understand life before us we must continue to take deeper and deeper core samples to better understand what life was like before us.



Microbes Thriving Deep Within the Earth, Inter Press Service, Tuesday, March 05, 2013 (posted by Global Issues)

Conflict Over Resources

Across the globe there lies a large lake that is a source for oil and gas.  The only problem is that the lake just so happens to lie directly inbetween neighboring countries.  This unfortunate location of the lake between Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania has caused unforseen tormoil.  Lake Nyasa is being split between the countries by a treaty that was passsed in 1890.  These conflicts over the lake have brought about talks of war over ownership.  This war would not only affect the relationships between the countries but it would also affect the local fisherman that rely on the lake.  The countries relations with each other and the locals that rely on the lake would without a doubt be negatively impacted by this war over lake rights.  However there is still one thing to consider what will become of the land containing the oil and gas?  One thought that I consider to be a huge factor is the local fishermen who rely on the lake.  If they lose all rights to the lake how will they be able to sustain themselves.  The only solution I could see that would resolve this issue would be to split the sources and profits right down the middle while still finding a way to enable the locals to keep supporting themselves woth the marine life.

At the Bottom of Lake Nyasa is ‘Rare Earth’, Inter Press Service, Wednesday, March 06, 2013